Thursday, November 19, 2015

Blogging Can Help Students

If you're in college, university, or in high school, I strongly recommend that you start up a blog based on your studies. Here are some benefits to starting one up:

   It will help you retain information.
   You can review your notes from anywhere.
   You can help your classmates or anybody around the world who are studying the same course as you.
   You can make money.

    Now let's discuss these benefits in a little more detail.

It will help you retain information.
In school, you take notes because you need them to study for exams. Of course, in your notebook, the chances are, you either copy your notes from the blackboard or the overhead projector word for word, or you take jot notes. I remember back in high school, when I copied notes from the overhead projector, I still didn't completely understand the material. But then I started to write down my notes on my own, and in my own words. That was when I really understood the material and to retain it. The reason for this was because I enjoy blogging.

You can review your notes from anywhere.
You're in school, and you want to review your notes at the last minute. But you forgot your textbooks and notebooks. If this happens to you, then all you need to do is to get access your blog with your phone, and you can review your notes from there.

You can help your classmates 
If one of your classmates is sick one day, then all they have to do is to go to your blog and get the notes that they've missed from that day. Your classmates will be thankful for your blog. 

You can make money.
The old saying is true, it takes money to make money. If you want to  make money from your blog, it will cost about $200 or less to pay for hosting and a domain name. Then again, you can also sign up for a free blogging service such as Blogger.  There are several ways to make money from your blog. Some ways include Google Adsense, Project Wonderful, affiliate marketing, and selling your own products.

In conclusion 
When most people think of blogging, they think of online diaries. Some people even think that blogging is a waste of time. But the truth it, blogging is very beneficial for college students, although anybody can benefit from it. Blogging can help you understand the material, it can help you study from any device that has access to the internet, you can help others learn, and you can even make money! 

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